Are you a new mum trying so freaking hard to breastfeed but struggling with intense sore and cracked nipples or low supply?
A pregnant mum planning to breastfeed but worried you won’t be able to?
Spend the early weeks with your newborn snuggling and bonding instead of battling through pain, worry, doubt and scrolling endlessly through internet searches for breastfeeding advice.
It’s easy to feel alone, overwhelmed and like you’re failing when you’re struggling to get the hang of breastfeeding.
In this age of information always at our finger tips, you would think the answers to breastfeeding pain and struggles would be easy to get, but finding ACCURATE information about breastfeeding can be really hard. Google and socials are filled with conflicting information and It’s hard to know the right path.
And then there’s the dread, guilt and shame
When it hurts so much to breastfeed, you find yourself dreading feed times, then feeling so guilty for that! The feeling of shame that breastfeeding isn’t going well can be so crippling and isolating and the fear of judgement can stop you from reaching out for help.
There are so many horror stories of cracked nipples and excruciating pain
As a pregnant mumma, you’ve probably already heard the stories of pain and struggles with low supply and they have you terrified that you won’t be able to do it. Worried you’ll fail before your baby’s even here!
Oh mumma! My heart aches for you! It doesn’t have to be like this!
Whether you’re pregnant or your baby’s already here, I want you to know:
Breastfeeding should NOT be painful!
It’s a sign that something’s not right!
And that something can be the cause of pain, low supply and a tonne of negative feelings and emotions swirling around in your exhausted head. I want you to know:
There’s help out there!
You and your baby don’t have to suffer like this!
The learning space and community I provide in The Breastfeeding Circle helps you learn the all the tips, tricks and strategies that can make breastfeeding feel comfortable and build your milk supply without the judgement and the overwhelm of figuring out the breastfeeding fact from the fiction.
This supportive approach to breastfeeding helps you to build your breastfeeding knowledge and confidence so you can protect and nourish your baby for as long as you’d like to.
Ditch the overwhelm of trying to figure it all out on your own
What if you don’t learn about breastfeeding and get support?
We live in a world that’s forgotten the value of breastfeeding and the incredible positive impact it has on babies (and their mums!)
Relying on a maternity system that is struggling to cope and encourages same day discharges after birth with little (if any!) follow up support means you don’t have someone to teach you and support you while you learn how to breastfeed.
Mums are left hoping they can do it, thinking “I’ll breastfeed if I can”.
And mums can do this on their own. Your body is made for this! But those who try without support often run into hurdles they don’t know how to get passed.
Hurdles like cracked nipples, mastitis, low supply and baby not getting enough milk.
They battle on feeling desperate and defeated. This is a recipe for breastfeeding ending early.
And the research shows it:
While 96% of mums start breastfeeding when their baby’s born, only 15% of babies are still exclusively breastfeeding by 6 months as per the World Health Organization’s recommendations.
You and I can both see that “hoping” it will work does not lead to positive breastfeeding outcomes.
When you know how breastfeeding works and what’s normal, the whole experience can be less stressful
Becoming a mum is a huge learning curve and breastfeeding can be too. Knowing where you can get answers to your breastfeeding and baby questions, even after the first week after birth can reduce your anxiety and fears that you’re doing everything wrong.
Get the guidance and support that can help you breastfeed comfortably for as long as you’d like to.
Hi, I’m Arlie.
Since 2016 I’ve been helping mums through breastfeeding struggles so they can continue breastfeeding as long as they want to.
As an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), Child Health Nurse, Breastfeeding Counsellor, and now, founder of The Breastfeeding Circle, I’ve been helping mums with breastfeeding their babies in person, online and over the phone for years now.
I’ve had the opportunity to work together with hundreds of breastfeeding mums and babies to get breastfeeding going well for them.
And through it all, I’ve discovered knowledge and strategies that make a BIG difference in the success of breastfeeding.
I struggled to breastfeed my first baby
I’ve been where you are. When my first baby was born, I was determined to breastfeed, but we had big struggles with painful latch, low milk supply and my baby not gaining enough weight. With support, we were able to continue breastfeeding, but it looked very different to how I’d pictured – having to use bottles and formula until he turned 1.
There was so much I didn’t know about breastfeeding when my baby was born and things that I would do differently once I knew so much more. And that’s when I realised, I needed to do something to help other mums in this situation and try to prevent this situation from happening in the first place.
I needed to create a place where mums can learn about breastfeeding, before and after their baby is born. A community where they can get the info they need to make the right choices for their families, feel supported and empowered and most of all, not feel judged for their choices or not knowing all the things.
Needless to say, since that realisation, I’ve spent thousands of hours studying, gained qualifications and worked with hundreds of mums, to learn the strategies and knowledge mums need to get breastfeeding off to a good start and continue breastfeeding in a way that works for each unique mum and baby.
And the results speak for themselves…
And there are more!
The point is, with the right information and support, you can make breastfeeding work for you and your baby.
And now, I’d like to share The Breastfeeding Circle with you
The challenge with 1:1 home visits is that I can only serve a small group of mums. I knew more people could benefit from what I was teaching and sharing with mums. That’s why I developed The Breastfeeding Circle. And if you join us, I’d love to help you, too.
If you’re a new mum struggling with breastfeeding…
you’re a mum with a baby out of the newborn stage still experiencing breastfeeding struggles…
OR a pregnant mum planning to breastfeed when baby arrives…
The Breastfeeding Circle can help!
As mum to your beautiful baby, you have a HUGE opportunity to create a long lasting positive physical and mental health impact for your baby, and for yourself – and it’s the reason that I’m so passionate about this work. THIS is the reason why I created The Breastfeeding Circle.
So, what is The Breastfeeding Circle?
The Breastfeeding Circle is a five stage learning space and community that gives you the evidence-based information, techniques and support that help you breastfeed your baby as long as you want to (and continue giving them all the health benefits and protection that come with that!).
The Breastfeeding Journey
These stages are designed to guide you through The Breastfeeding Journey, from Future Breastfeeding Mum – Brand New Mum – Beginner Breastfeeding Mum – Informed Breastfeeding Mum and Confident Breastfeeding Mum.
It’s completely self-paced, so you can get the info you need when you’re ready for it so you can avoid the overwhelm of trying to learn everything at once.
If bub’s already here, you can progress through the info in bite sized chunks during nap times if that’s what works!
Whether you’re a pregnant mum, mum of a newborn or even months into your breastfeeding journey, there’s valuable information and support available for you in The Breastfeeding Circle that can help you keep breastfeeding as long as you want to.
The Breastfeeding Circle is here to make breastfeeding as simple and as easy as possible.
Here’s What You Get In The Breastfeeding Circle
Stage 1: Future Breastfeeding Mum
You’re pregnant and want to breastfeed. You know it’s natural, but you’re worried it’s going to be too hard. You might feel nervous about breastfeeding and be wondering if it will even be possible for you.
You’re ready to learn all about breastfeeding to give yourself a head start for when your baby arrives.
How to create your breastfeeding plan to set you up for the best start to breastfeeding when your baby is born
How breastfeeding works so you can build your supply from day 1
How to set up your support network so your people can cheer you on and encourage you when you’re doubting yourself
How to hand express so you’re used to handling your breasts and feel comfortable and confident
How to do your first breastfeed when bub arrives so you don’t have to worry you’re doing it wrong in that special moment
Stage 2: Brand New Breastfeeding Mum
You’re a brand new Mumma trying to breastfeed your baby. You feel like you don’t know what you’re doing, you may be worried you don’t have enough milk, breastfeeding may be painful for you, and you’re overwhelmed by all the conflicting information. You may even be considering switching to bottle feeding but you really want breastfeeding to work out.
You’re ready to learn how to get your baby latching and breastfeeding well.
How to get a good latch, so breastfeeding doesn’t hurt
How to fix the pain if breastfeeding is hurting so you can continue breastfeeding pain free
Where and how to get extra support if you need it so you can get any hurdles as quickly and as easily as possible
Stage 3: Beginner Breastfeeding Mum
You’ve got the latch worked out, but you’re still unsure whether breastfeeding is going well. You
might be feeling pressure to give your baby formula just in case.
You’re ready to boost your confidence by learning the signs that breastfeeding is going well.
How to tell if your baby is breastfeeding well so you can address any issues early and minimise the any impact on your baby or your supply
How to tell if your baby is getting enough breastmilk so you can feel confident they’re getting enough milk
Breastfeeding first aid so you can quickly heal and treat issues like blocked ducts and mastitis
How to look after you in the early weeks with a newborn so you can enjoy the newborn stage instead of feeling overwhelmed by it
Stage 4: Informed Breastfeeding Mum
You’re feeling more comfortable with getting your baby latched to the breast but you still feel like it’s hard and you’re doing it all wrong at times. You will be getting clear on the how supply works and normal baby behaviour.
How your breastmilk supply works so you can feel confident in your supply
How your letdown works so you can help your baby get breastmilk easily
Normal newborn feeding patterns so you feel confident in your baby’s changing patterns
How to increase your supply if necessary
How to manage and get through common newborn challenges
Strategies for dealing with criticism or unwanted advice so you can feel confident in your breastfeeding journey
Stage 5: Confident Breastfeeding Mum
You are confident in your supply and knowing how to breastfeed your baby. You are feeling relaxed about breastfeeding and know what’s normal for your baby. You know where to find support if you need it and you trust that you’re doing a great job as a mum! You might even find yourself supporting other mums to breastfeed their babies.
Breastfeeding friendly contraception so you don’t accidentally decrease your supply
How to introducing solids while continuing to breastfeed to make sure your baby gets all the nutrients they need
How to wean when you or your baby is ready so you’re prepared with techniques that support your baby and help you avoid mastitis
How to continue breastfeeding when you return to work so your baby continues to get the protection and benefits of your milk even when you’re apart
What it’s like to breastfeed your toddler so you know what’s normal and feel confident in your decisions
Along with…
Monthly webinars on breastfeeding and parenting topics (like introducing solids)
Weekly online Q&A sessions to answer questions so can address concerns quickly
Access to The Breastfeeding Circle private Facebook community where you can connect and get support from me and other mums
All available in your pocket 24/7 to help you learn all the breastfeeding tips and tricks that will progress you along your journey to Confident Breastfeeding Mum
You do have options, but only one makes sense
If you think about all the other ways that you can learn about breastfeeding your baby, from hospital antenatal classes that barely talk about breastfeeding at all, to taking a breastfeeding class (often only covering the newborn stage) to trying to figure everything out on your own (which can be distressing and overwhelming) and then ending up needing more intensive 1:1 help that can cost hundreds for only a couple of hours.
You could do these things if you wanted to, but having ACCURATE breastfeeding information, techniques and ONGOING breastfeeding and parenting support 24/7 and all in one place sounds a lot easier, right?
By learning about breastfeeding and setting up your support system with the resources inside The Breastfeeding Circle, you instantly increase your chances of breastfeeding going well for you.
You’ll have the knowledge and the practical techniques that can help you:
Avoid breastfeeding hurdles like nipple pain, low supply and mastitis
Give maximum immune protection and health benefits to your baby
Have a happier postpartum stage so you can enjoy your beautiful newborn
Feel supported by a community of mums that know what it’s like
Know you’re not alone when you’re struggling
Avoid the overwhelm of sorting through mountains of info and having to sort the true from the false
Get to the end of your breastfeeding journey feeling happy and satisfied, not miserable and guilty.
I understand that you might have been burned by flashy promises before, but I want you to know this… that’s not who I am.
I pride myself on supporting mums in a non-judgemental, evidence-based and mum-led way for their entire breastfeeding journey (not just the start) and it’s the reason I’ve been in this industry since 2016.
I stand firmly behind everything that I offer in my business. And the same goes for your investment in this learning space and community.
So, Let’s Recap… Here’s What You Get With
The Breastfeeding Circle
The Breastfeeding Circle including All 5 Stages
$450 VALUE
You’ll get The Breastfeeding Circle including the 5 stages showing you the steps to learn about breastfeeding and build your confidence so you can go on to breastfeed your baby as long as you want to (and give you baby the protection and benefits that come with that). This is your blueprint to breastfeeding confidence which can lead you to breastfeeding success. . . whether you’re pregnant, have a newborn or have been breastfeeding a while! This isn’t just any other course. . . this is an interactive learning experience with access to support the entire way through.
Weekly Live Q&A Sessions
$1299 VALUE
Join our online breastfeeding Q&A sessions and gain invaluable insights tailored to your nursing journey. Q&A’s cover a spectrum of topics, from latch techniques to maintaining milk supply, offering you a safe space to ask questions and receive real-time guidance. Connect with a supportive community of fellow mums, share experiences, and build your breastfeeding confidence the entire way through your breastfeeding journey.
Monthly Breastfeeding and Parenting Webinars
$1380 VALUE
Unlock a world of invaluable insights and confidence through monthly webinars, each centred around different breastfeeding topics. Dive deep into techniques to help you conquer common breastfeeding and parenting challenges. These webinars offer you direct access to a wealth of knowledge, empowering you with evidence-based strategies and practical tips to enhance your breastfeeding journey.
Private Community Facebook Group
A place where you can meet and get support from other breastfeeding mums, some of who are also where you’re at right now, others who have been there and can walk beside you and guide you on your breastfeeding journey.
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Total Value: $3228 AUD
Your price today:
$25 AUD / month
Get 2 months free (Save $50 AUD) when you pay annually.
If you have any questions or concerns about The Breastfeeding Circle, just email me.
I’m happy to help:
Payment methods accepted: All major debit and credit cards
No lock in contract. Cancel at any time.
I’ll Be Here To Support You ALL THE WAY
The Breastfeeding Circle is a learning space and community that will help you to confidently breastfeed your baby as long as you want. So, if you want to get the knowledge, support and confidence to reach your breastfeeding goals, I invite you to join now!
I look forward to being your guide along the way.
Click the button below and register now. I’ll see you inside The Breastfeeding Circle.
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I acknowledge the Yugambeh speaking and Quandamooka People, the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land on which I live and work, and pay my respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.