Did you know that giving formula top ups to your baby could actually be decreasing your milk supply? This is called “The Top Up Trap”. As a mum who’s breastfed 2 babies, I know how quickly those worries that bub isn’t getting enough milk can creep in. I also know how tempting it can be to reach for the formula just to make sure they’ve had enough. But what if I told you that this well-meaning decision might be what’s making breastfeeding harder for you? In this post, I’ll walk you through why topping up with formula might be affecting your milk supply and how to avoid this common trap.
What the Top Up Trap Really Is
When you start giving your baby formula after breastfeeding, thinking they aren’t getting enough milk, you might feel a bit of relief. But here’s the thing—your baby might not actually need that extra formula. Lots of the signs that make you think bub isn’t getting enough are actually misleading and don’t tell us anything about your supply (more on this soon).
Once you start the top up trap, you start a cycle that actually does decrease your milk supply, confirming your worries — and the cycle continues. Remember, your milk supply works on a supply and demand basis. That means the more milk that is removed from your breasts, the more you’ll make. So, when you give your baby formula and your baby doesn’t empty as much from your breasts or goes longer between breastfeeds because they’re overfull, your breasts don’t get the message to make more milk. Without those messages to make more milk your supply will drop.
Why the Top Up Trap Causes Breastfeeding Problems
It’s easy to worry about whether your baby is getting enough milk (most mums do at some point!). But falling into the top up trap can lead to even more stress down the road. The more formula you give, the less your baby will breastfeed. That means your body will think it doesn’t need to make as much milk. This cycle can eventually lead to stopping breastfeeding altogether, which might not be what you wanted when you first reached for that bottle of formula. Understanding this can help you make choices that keep your breastfeeding journey on track.
How to Avoid the Top Up Trap
So, what can you do instead of reaching for the formula? Here are 3 tips to help you avoid the top up trap and keep your milk supply strong:
1. Learn the TRUE Signs Your Baby’s Getting Enough
Wet nappies, dirty nappies steady weight gain, and contentment after feeding are all good signs your baby is getting what they need. Get all the details on how many wet and dirty nappies bub should be having and how much weight bub needs to be gaining here.
2. Don’t Be Fooled by Misleading Signs
Sometimes babies cluster feed or fuss at the breast, and it can seem like they’re not getting enough milk. But these behaviours don’t necessarily mean your supply is low. Remember, some fussiness is normal and doesn’t always mean they’re still hungry. It could just be a developmental leap or a need for extra comfort. Find out more about the misleading signs that can trick you here.
3. Check with a Lactation Consultant
If you’re not sure whether your baby needs a top up, reach out to an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). They can help you check if your baby is breastfeeding well and getting enough, and they can also guide you on whether you really need to use formula. If your baby does need extra milk, an IBCLC will be able to help you give your baby what they need without decreasing your milk supply. If you’d like help with this, you can book a home visit or video call with me here.
What If I’m Already in The Top Up Trap?
If you’re already in the top up trap, it IS POSSIBLE to get out of it and eventually stop the top up feeds so you can get back to only breastfeeding. The first thing you’ll need to do is boost your milk supply back up, then you can gradually decrease the amount of formula top ups you give. I’ve laid out the steps in more detail for you here.
The top up trap is something lots of mums fall into without knowing it. But with the right help and info, you can avoid it or get out of it and keep breastfeeding with confidence. If this post has made you think or if you have more questions about the top up trap, I’d love to chat! Send me a message on Instagram and let me know what you learned from this post.
If you have questions or concerns, you might like to get in touch with an IBCLC to help you to work out what’s going on and develop a plan that suits your individual situation. You can book a home visit or online consultation with me below.
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